Privacy Policy
Last Revised 4/10/2023
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Personally Identifiable Data
As required by Tile 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Section 3106.4, the following information discloses how ODOT collects, stores, and shares personally identifiable information. "Personally identifiable data" is defined as “information which can identify an individual including, but not limited to, name, birth date, place of birth, mother's maiden name, biometric records, Social Security number, official state- or government-issued driver license or identification number, alien registration number, government passport number, employer or taxpayer identification number or any other information that is linked or linkable to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial or employment information.”
What personal information does ODOT collect?
The Oklahoma State Department of Transportation (ODOT) collects personally identifiable data only when needed and required for employment purposes, agency programs, and when required by law or regulation. Situations in which ODOT may or will need to collect personally identifiable data are:
Employment Applications
Open Records Requests
Applications for Permits or Licenses issued by ODOT
Land Sales or Acquisition transactions
Litigation/ Dispute Resolution and/or Settlement Agreements
To meet Contract and Bidding requirements
When voluntarily provided by citizens
The Pay Per Mile pilot program and/or Fair Miles Oklahoma program
How is this information stored?
Personally identifiable data is stored in a variety of ways, both electronic and paper format, and in compliance with state rules and regulations. ODOT protects all personal information in accordance with State of Oklahoma Information Security policies, procedures, guidelines (as applicable) found at:
With whom does ODOT share this personal information?
ODOT employees and agents under contract with ODOT to perform specific services will be granted access to personal identifiable data ONLY when it is needed to perform their job-related functions or tasks for the Agency. Only those ODOT employees and/or agents who need to have access to that data will be granted access. All ODOT employees are instructed and trained to keep personal identifiable data confidential they use or have access to confidential. ODOT shares Personal Identifiable Data outside of the agency with other agencies, the federal government and when requested by the public ONLY when required by law or regulation. All requests for documentation containing personal identifiers are redacted as needed and required by law to prevent
dissemination of personal identifiable data outside of the Agency.